Are you interested in paying it forward and earning at the same time?.
Together we can rewrite the narrative. How?
Passionate about your field? Consider sharing your career specialty with others.
Sign up here.
Common Conversation Questions
Tell me about your specialty.
What are the challenges and successes?
What character traits will allow someone to do well in your field?.
What resources would you recommend to someone considering a specialty like yours?
How did you navigate from Middle School to graduate school in your profession
Do you have questions about careers in STEM? Want a real person, who has gone on a similar journey to share their expertise with you?
Look no further.
Connect to a STEM professional that can help you.
Don’t see your specialty of interest? Let us know by sending an email to [email protected]
Tip: Be prepared.
Write your questions and start with the most important.
This conversation may be one of your most important and jumpstart a whole new career