L. Andrew Rayner, M.Ed.
Adrew Rayner, M.Ed.
BA English Literature with concentration in Narrative Studies, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire.
M.Ed. Learning and Teaching, Harvard University, MA
Current: Independent Diversity and Organizational Culture Consultant.
Andrew’s Study Tip.
Find your thinking spot.
Find a place where you can focus and use that space for studying and getting your work done.
Eliminate distractions, Return to that space frequently.
Avoid using a space that you use for bed, TV. The goal is to make sure your mind relates the study space you have chosen specifically for studying.
Find study buddies / ask for help.
We all need help sometimes!
If you are confused or having problems, ask your teachers or your peers to help you.
Try finding a partner with whom you can focus and get work done.
Invite them to your thinking spot!
Strive for deep work.
Most people have a hard time focusing on work for long periods of time.
Distractions can be good to reset your thinking if they are used intentionally.
Do your best to eliminate distractions e.g social media, phone TV for specific period of time.
Try working for 30 minutes or an hour without distraction, then take a 5 to 10 min break.
Best wishes and be your own best self!