

Did you know African~Americans over 40 years are at increased risk of developing glaucoma/
Have you done your annual eye exam?
Get more information at National Eye Institute www.nei.nih.gov


American Heart Month.

Did you know your heart is the engine of your body?
Have you done your heart check?
Schedule an appointment with your doctor today.
Get more information at www.heart.org


Colorectal Cancer.

Did you know that people over age 50 are at increased risk of Cancer of the colon?
Do you have a family history of Colorectal Cancer?
Speak to your doctor today.
Get more information at www.cdc.org

Kidney Disease.

Did you know African~Americans are 3 times more likely to experience kidney failure?
Do you have risk factors?
Speak to your doctor today.
Get more information at www.cdc.org



Did you know a child who does not babble before 12 months, Does not say single words by 16 months, loss of language or social skill may have autism spectrum disorder, (ASD)?
Do you have any children that fit this description?
Speak to your doctor today.
Get more information at www.autism-society.org


Mental Health.

Did you know that not too long ago, there was a stigma associated with mental illness in the African~American community?
It was seen as a sign of weakness.
It prevented some people with illness from seeking care ending up with more severe effects of disease.
Do you know someone affected?
Speak to your doctor today.
Get more information at www.nami.org


Did you know that the prevalence of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, HTN, physical inactivity is higher in the African~American community?
How can we change that?
Join your local gym, explore your community and find available resources.
Speak to your doctor today.
Get more information at www.fitbit.com


Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia.

Did you know Alzheimers is the most common cause of dementia?
It is not a normal part of aging, It worsens over time and there is no cure.
Are you becoming increasingly forgetful?
Speak to your doctor today.
Get more information at www.alz.org


Cord Blood.

Did you know that cord blood collected can be used to treat hematopoietic and genetic disorders?
Are you pregnant?
Do you know how you can make a difference as you bring in new life into the world?
Speak to your doctor today.
Get more information at www.cordblood.com



Did you know that breastfeeding is a learned skill? For most new mothers it doesn’t just happen.
Mother and baby need support as they navigate this world.
Speak to your doctor today.
Get more information at www.womenshealth.gov



Did you know yoga originated in India?
Research shows that yoga can help strength and flexibility.
Speak to your doctor today.
Get more information on www.webmd.com “The health benefits of yogaâ€

Vegetables and Fruits

Did you know that a diet rich in vegetables and nutrients can lower blood pressure, decrease heart disease and stroke? It can also prevent certain cancers.
Speak to your doctor today.
Get more information at www.halfyourplate.com


Breast Cancer

Did you know breast cancer is the second most common cancer in American women?
Are you 40 years and over?
It’s time for your mammogram.
Speak to your doctor today.
Get more information at www.cancer.org

Domestic Violence.

Did you know that twenty people a minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the US?
Did you know that annually about 10 million men and women are victims of domestic violence?
Are you a victim?
Take the first step today.
Talk to your doctor.
Get more information at www.thehotline.org or call a href=”tel:8007997233″>800 799 7233


Diabetes Mellitus

Did you know that 4.9 million African~American adults or 18.7% of all African~Americans have diagnosed or undiagnosed Diabetes?
Do you have a family history of Diabetes Mellitus?
Have you had routine tests that could empower you and set you on the right lifestyle?
Talk to your doctor today.
Get more information at American Diabetes Association www.ucsfhealth.org


Do you know that even caregivers deserve a break and account for more than 450 billion in annual unpaid labor?
Let us honor caregivers in our family and across the country.
Take time today to say “Thank youâ€
Get more information at www.caregiving.com



Did you know that hand-washing can prevent the flu and decrease its incidence?
Did you know flu shots are vaccines that protect against infection by influenza viruses?
The vaccine can keep you safe from getting the flu and will also reduce your risk of hospitalization if you do get the flu.
Have you received your immunization?
Talk to your doctor today.
Get more information at www.cdc.gov